DRIVESAFE, INC. was Incorporated in 1990 and is an 8-hour Driver Improvement Clinic and soon-to-be Behind the Wheel Training Center and Online School (Fall 2020). We are an award winning clinic for Best Performance and Instructor of the Year 2019 by the National Safety Council.
We are approved by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles and Virginia Traffic Courts and certified by the National Safety Council.
Our instructors are local, professional educators who have been recognized for their successful classroom experiences. DRIVESAFE, INC. is a family operated Driver Improvement Clinic with Patty Parker as CEO and owner.
Franklin Brewer, PhD
Franklin has been an instructor for DRIVESAFE, INC. since 1993. He is a safety specialist, disc jockey, minister, retired U.S. Army Colonel and more. Students say he is “well- prepared and will keep you entertained and on your toes the entire 8 hours!”
Katie Benjamin, M.Ed.
Katie taught Student Leadership and U.S. Government at Woodbridge High School. She has a Pre-Law degree from George Mason and a Master’s Degree in Education. Student comments reveal that she is “animated, energetic, young, fun, and legislatively informed.”
Patty Parker, M.Ed.
Owner and CEO, Patty has been teaching DRIVESAFE, INC. since its incorporation in 1990. She is a Master Instructor and former Instructor Trainer for the National Safety Council’s DDC and Attitudinal Dynamics of Driving Courses. Students say she is “witty and knowledgable and her varied teaching methods keep all students engaged.”
Behind the Wheel
Coming soon.